Showing posts with label Definition of Computer Hardware. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Definition of Computer Hardware. Show all posts

Saturday 13 September 2014

Units of Computer

Basic Units of Computers:-

According to the definition of computer we learn that computer works in an order to complete tasks. It takes Input, Process Data, Shows Output as results and Store data (Temporarily and Permanently).

So We can say that a computer has five basic units in it.
  1. Input Unit
  2. Memory Unit (Temporary Storage)
  3. Processing Unit
  4. Output Unit
  5. Storage unit (Permanent Storage)

Input Unit:-

This unit is used to give instructions to Computer. It consist of some Keyboard and pointing devices. All the data and Instruction are given to computer through this unit. The devices used to give data and instructions to computer are called input devices.

Memory Unit:-

This unit works as an interpreter between input, processing and output unit. Data and instructions are stored in Memory unit before and after processing. It is a temporary memory because it only store data when computer is power on. All data is lost when power fails or computer is shutdown. RAM (Random Access Memory) is basic part of Memory Unit. Its size is measured in MB (Megabytes) or GB (Gigabytes)

Processing Unit:-

The processing unit of a computer consist of a processor. A processor is called the brain of computer. It does all the works and tasks for computer. It takes data from input unit and process it according to the given instructions. Its speed is measured in MHz (Mega Hertz).

Output Unit:-

The output unit of computer shows the user what is going inside the computer. It also shows the final results. With the help of this unit computer asks any thing required from the user. Errors are also displayed through this unit. Devices attached to this unit are called output devices. Printer, Monitor, Speakers are examples of the output devices.

Storage Unit:-

The storage unit consist of Secondary Storage Devices. It stores the data permanently. Secondary storage device store data magnetically, Electrically or e Optically. Magnetic Tape, Floppy Disk, Zip Disk, Hard disk drive, USB Mass Storage, CD, DVD and Blue Ray Disks are examples of storage devices

Monday 8 September 2014

Definition of Computer Software

Definition of Computer Software:-

Sets of programs that are used to communicate with computer are called software. Or the programs that we make in the computer are called software (that we can see but not touch). Languages and Packages like MS Word, MS Excel, Basic & COBOL etc. Computer does nothing unless it is given instruction to perform.

These programs are divided into many types according to the purpose of their use. Basically their are following types of Software.
  1. System Software
  2. Application Software
  3. Utilities
  4. Programming Languages

Basic Computer Software hierarchy

Definition of Computer Hardware

Definition of Computer Hardware:-

The physical parts of Computer that we can touch (intangibles) are called computer hardware. These parts include Computer Case, Keyboard, Mouse, Hard-disk Drive, CD-ROM, Monitor, LCD, etc.

Components of a Computer

Computer peripherals

Examples of Harware