Showing posts with label Brain of computer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brain of computer. Show all posts

Friday 21 November 2014

Function of CPU

A microprocessor-based system

The execution of the instruction by CU is done in four simple steps:

o    Instruction Fetch
o    Interpret Instruction
o    Data Fetch
o    Execution Instruction

Instruction Fetch:

It gets a program instruction stored in the main memory of the computer. This is called fetching instruction.

Data Fetch:

If an instruction requires certain data to operate upon the cu fetches the data from the computer memory and loads it into a register.

Execution Instruction:

After decoding the instruction and getting the required data the CU instruction the ALU to process the data according to the instruction given.

Function of CPU:

In the function of CPU, we will discuss in few steps as under.
In the accept data and instruction form input unit.
  1. It store all the instruction and data in the main memory and retrieves the relevant information as and when we required.
  2. It interprets the instruction and sends command to the relevant units.
  3. It performs all the arithmetic and logical operation in ALU.
  4. It control and coordinate the activity of other units.
  5. Finally sends the result to the output unit.

Importance of CPU (Microprocessor):

In this lesson, we examine the microprocessor from its inception to the current state of the art-chip.
It is important for a computer technician to understand the development of the processor gives us an understanding and how the system components can take advantages of the new features.
We also need to understand the external bus, because it is the means by which CPU accesses system resources.

Wednesday 15 October 2014

The Central Processing Unit (CPU)

The Central Processing Unit:-

The Central Processing Unit or CPU is also called the Brain of a Computer. It is a very complex integrated Circuit. It is build up of millions of tiny components integrated together. It is mainly divided into 2 units.
Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)

Control Unit (CU)

Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU):-
The arithmetic and logic unit is the place where main processing is done. It performs Arithmetic Calculation (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division), while Logic unit performs Logical computations (compare objects and numbers with logical statements. Hence ALU manipulates the data.

Control Unit (CU):-

Control Unit maintains, orders and Controls the processing activity in the CPU. It directs the sequence of Operations.