Showing posts with label Port Address. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Port Address. Show all posts

Sunday 7 December 2014

I/O port Addresses

I/O port Addresses

I/O port addresses are located in the Hardware Resources category in System Information. It is the communication channel among hardware devices in the system. I/O addresses are identifying in Hexadecimal number system. Unlike IRQ,s and DMA there are 65,535 ports addresses are exists number from 0000h to FFFFh. Virtually all system buses use I/O port addresses. Most of them are fairly standardized, meaning they would not be conflict or problem with these settings. Some common I/O addresses are listed below:

Port IO Address
COM1 3F8
COM2 2F8
COM3 3E8
COM4 2E8
LPT1 378
LPT2 278