Showing posts with label Brain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brain. Show all posts

Wednesday 15 October 2014

What is Processing?

What is Processing?

When ever we talk about computer the first thing that comes to our mind is that computer process data. The second thing that we think is what is processing? How is Processing done? What methods are used to Process data?

Let us take an example, I say that your Brain is also a processor and what computer do is, It exactly copy your Brain. (You did not believe me!)

Human Brain is very complex as compare to a computer. It is attached to many Input and output devices. Eyes , Ears, Skin, Nose and Tongue are Input Devices used by brain to get input data. Our Voice and face's skin is out put devices attached to Brain.

Now when ever our ears listen a sound they convert it to electrical signals that are carried to brain for processing. What did brain do? It compare these electrical signals with already stored data. The storage capacity of brain is very large. The data stored in brain is also very well organized and Indexed. Now after matching signals with a proper indexed entry it produces results that then are recognized by our brain.

This index of brain start to developed since your birth. When you were a child it was difficult for you to understand things. As time passed you were able to recognize more and more things. This was because of a index table that is stored in your brain.

Same is with a computer, It solve complex problems by comparing them with already stored problems of same category. It compare two quantities and then produce the result. The problem Index of computer is generated by storing some kind of software in it.

We know that computer is a dumb machine. It has no idea of its own as compare to human brain. The computers today still need predefined methods to solve problems. The process of thinking is still based on what we have stored in it. The human brain can think on patterns it already have deal with. It can generate its own ideas. The scientist are still working on computers to make them able to generate their own ideas. It is called Artificial Intelligence. The fifth or may be sixth generation of computers will be equipped with Artificial Intelligence. The computers of that generations will be able to think (not like human but some how less or more).