Monday 13 October 2014

Characteristics of Computer

Characteristics of Computer:-

The Characteristics of Computers can be defined in the terms of what it can do and wht it can't do? Following are some Characteristics of Computers.


The computer is very fast machine. It can do any task in millionth part of a second. It can process millions of instruction per seconds MIPS. Modern computers can process Trillion of Instructions per second TIPS.


The results produced by computers are 100% accurate. The accuracy of computer depends on the accuracy of software and given input.


The other Characteristics of Computer is storing large amounts of data. It can store up to Terabytes of data. This data can be in form of text, books, audios and videos.


Computer never feel sick or need a break like humans. It can perform a given task thousands of times and never feel bored,


Computer is a versatile machine it can do two totally different tasks at the same time with 100% accuracy.


Computer have power to remember its work. It can store a task and provide it back to user when ever it is demanded.


A computer is dumb gadget. It has no idea of its own. It is totally dependent on human as far as concerned about IQ.


A computer has no feeling like human. It didn't know about love, hunger, sadness etc. It is just a collection of parts,

Reliability :

A computer is a reliable machine. It produce results according  to given instructions and inputs. It does not add its own ideas in the output.


A computer is automatic machine. Many computers only need first time run and then they keep doing their work without any interruption or help


A computer is a flexible machine. It can do a variety of tasks. It can play songs, Brows internet or perform complex engineering calculation. It is the requirement of user what to do computer is good with all tasks.

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