Tuesday 14 October 2014

Classification of Computer Depending upon Working Principle

Analogue Computers:-

Analogue computers use continuously changeable values of data as input and produce their graphical image after processing. These computers mostly use Electrical, Mechanical or hydraulic quantities to model a problem. These computer take input in form of signal and produce output in form of graph. This output is 90% to 95% accurate. For example Thermometer, ECG, Multi-meter, Wall clock etc.

Digital Computers:-

The computers in which input is given in form of Digits and their output is also produced in digits are called digital computers. Digital meters, Digital Watch and Calculators are examples of Digital Computers.

Hybrid Computers:-

The computers that convert analogue data into digital data or produce analogue results from digital data are called hybrid computers. PCs are examples of Hybrid Computers.

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